LIFE MOVING Group, together with its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated companies, is a national leader in the business sector. The company has significant and concentrated interests in petroleum, cooking gas, construction materials (including cement and roofing materials), medical supplies and pharmaceuticals, household appliances, electronics, supermarket products and insurance. The company is geographically diversified, with operations and developments across Malaysia and a presence in Singapore. This is achieved through direct sourcing and distribution as well as forming joint ventures to trade efficiently in areas that offer greater opportunities.

Oil and gas business: LIFE MOVING Group has important interests in the oil and gas field, including oil exploration, development, sales and supply of liquefied petroleum gas.

Building materials business: The company has concentrated business interests in the field of building materials, covering cement and roofing materials, etc., and may be involved in the production, sale or distribution of these building materials.

Medical supplies and pharmaceuticals business: LIFE MOVING Group is extensively involved in the field of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals, including the production, sales and distribution of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals.

Household appliances and electronic products business: The company operates household appliances and electronic products, covering TVs, refrigerators, washing machines and other household appliances, and also provides sales and services of various electronic equipment.

Supermarket products business: LIFE MOVING Group operates in the field of supermarket products, including the sales of food, daily necessities, cleaning supplies and other supermarket products.

Insurance business: The company is involved in the insurance business and provides various insurance products, including life insurance, property insurance, etc.

Energy storage battery business: LIFE MOVING Group provides services in the field of energy storage batteries, including production, sales and provision of energy storage solutions.

Chemical raw materials business: The company is involved in the field of chemical raw materials, which may include the production, sales and distribution of chemicals, additives, solvents, etc.

Large machinery trading: LIFE MOVING Group is involved in the field of large machinery trading, providing a variety of large equipment, mechanical tools and engineering solutions.